RF / EMI Shields

RF / EMI Shields

The RFI/EMI product line offers the highest quality RFI/EMI component shielding featuring burr-free edges, easy construction, and the ability to add custom logos, part numbers, or other identification.

Quick-turn, prototype, and low-to-medium volume production runs.

Manufacturing options include: Chemical-Milling, Laser-Cutting, and Electroforming.


  • One piece construction for most applications.
  • Separate fence and lid configurations for easy component accessibility.
  • Mounting pins spaced at 0.25″ or 0.50″.
  • Fences available with or without board standoffs.
  • Logos, part numbers, or other identifation easily accommodated.
  • Ventilation holes, lead access notches, or other requirements easily added.
  • Variety of base materials available including: copper, brass, stainless steel and Alloy 42.
  • Variety of plating options available including: nickel, tin, lead/tin.


  • Sizes of squares and rectangles from 0.50″ to 6.00″ in 0.25″ increments standard.
  • Fenche heights fromo 0.075″ to 1″.
  • Odd shapes and custom shields also available.

Standard Turn-Around Time:

For order of 1,000 pieces or less, three (3) to seven (7) days.

Metal Part’s Specialties

We utilize three types of cutting edge:




Production capabilities that are ideal for applications in a numbre of industries such as medical, automotive, microwave, industrial automation, aerospace, consumer products, the electronic industries, and more.

Encoder Wheels, Fine Mesh, Lead Frames, RF / EMI Shields

Thin Metal Parts

We offer high quality thin metal parts that perfectly fit your needs because they can be created as thin as 0.0003 (which is thinner than aluminum foil) and as thick as 0.060 with through hole characteristics as small as 0.0005.

Encoder Wheels Fine Mesh Lead Frames RF / EMI Shields
So What’s next?

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